Understanding Students, Assignments, Roles & Functions

Understanding Students, Assignments, Roles & Functions
Are you a college student? But do you know what the real understanding of students is? Well, although many know about students, or even themselves a student, the nature of the students themselves is rarely understood. In fact, it contains certain meanings that everyone must know.
The importance of knowing the true nature of students is certainly not just for knowledge. But it is also used so that everyone, especially students, deepen their roles. Thus, the impact of course their duties as a student can be done well, so that the objectives can be achieved.
Then what is the true nature of students? Check out the following review about the understanding of students and their roles and functions!

student understanding
Understanding of Students According to Experts
There are some experts who interpret students specifically. The real definition of a student is:
1. According to the KBBI
According to the large Indonesian dictionary, students are interpreted as college students or in Indonesian education structures that occupy the highest level of education unit among other levels.

2. According to Knopfemacher [In Suwono, 1978]
Meanwhile, according to Knopfemancher, students are interpreted as the candidates who are involved in an institution of higher education, who are expected to become intellectual candidates.

3. According to Sarwono [1978]
And according to Sarwono, a student is every person who is officially registered to take lessons in a tertiary institution with an age limit of around 18-30 years. Students are a group in the community that obtains status because they have ties with universities.

In addition, students also become a candidate for intellectuals and young scholars in a layer of society that is often a requirement with various predicate in the community itself.
Thus, the understanding of students if concluded is a person or student who is enrolled in a college or the highest school level, with a certain age limit that is expected to be an intellectual candidate.

Characteristics of Students According to Kartono
With the understanding of the students above, it can be concluded that a person is said to be a student if he has the following characteristics:
Have the ability and opportunity to be able to study in higher education, so that they can be classified into the intellectual class.
Because they have the opportunity, students are expected to one day be able to act as a skilled leader, both at various levels, both in society and in the world of work later.
Students are expected to be a dynamic driving force in a process of modernization for social life.
And students are expected to enter the workforce and become a qualified and professional workforce.

Student Mandatory Assignments
student assignment
If you have become a student, surely you have gone through various tests and passed the passing grade of your average rival.

Congratulations !!
But do not forget when you have a student status, of course you must take part in the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education which is the main task of students. The following explanation:
1. Doing Education
The noble task that must be done by a student is to carry out educational activities. Education here is a student who asks the campus to provide teaching with maximum facilities in the process of learning and teaching activities.
From the educational process carried out, it is hoped that superior student seeds will emerge. Because the education system within the scope of lectures is very good, then one day when graduating students must become nation fighters for more advanced Indonesia.

2. Carry out Research
The second task for students is to do research. Students have a burden that is fairly medium hard, because this time students are required to be able to find solutions to a problem. The goal is to create new solutions to problems in society.
Students' research results are required in a professional and scientific way, not the result of brutally copying the work of others and not the results of premature research.
Students are required to be able to take advantage of this research in a learning process in order to get a change that will change Indonesia to become more advanced and foremost.

3. Community Service
The last assignment of students is to do community service. In the world of students when it is their mid or final semester, surely the campus will create a community service program.
Community service programs can be carried out with a variety of positive activities. In this activity students must be able to socialize directly with the community.
The nature of the social creature must be demonstrated by real contributions. As we know that students are the mouthpiece of the people, agents of change and others. Therefore students are required to know the portion of their duties in serving the community. In order to create a civil society.

Student Roles and Functions
In addition to the student assignments above, students also have special roles and functions that are grouped into 5 types, with the following reviews:
1. Students as Social Control
By having a higher education research (on Dergizi Journal) than other levels, students have intellectual abilities and social sensitivity, which are expected to be able to control the social life of the community. By being able to provide advice, solutions, and criticism of various problems facing society or the nation.
In addition, the role of students as social control also occurs when something goes wrong or odd in people's lives. Thus, students are expected to be able to convey if there is bureaucratic rot that is considered prevalent.
Furthermore, if a student is indifferent or does not care about the environment, then there will be no better hope in the life of the nation and state later.
That is because a student is appropriate to be able to foster a spirit of social care, so he must care about the various realms of social elements.
Where concern as a student is not only manifested in the form of demonstrations and take to the streets, but through brilliant thinking, moral and material assistance, and constructive discussions.

2. Students as Agents of Change
As high-level students who act as agents of change, students are not only like heroes who come from a country that initiates change, but also as actors or objects in making big changes and make leaders who have no competence feel hot and anxious.
That is because, with so much injustice and ignorance committed by the leaders of this nation, students must be able to think actively in order to restore and change the situation to its original form. Where the change in question is a change for the better, but still does not eliminate his true identity.
If we as students, let us create again the reformers and founding fathers in the souls of the students so as not to be swallowed up by the hedonism of the times.

3. Students as Iron Stock
Said to be an iron stock, the role of students is as the next generation of the nation, which is expected to have the skills, abilities, and noble character, so that they can become candidates for leaders who are ready to use. Because it is a reserve, assets, and hopes of the nation in the future.
In addition, students are not only intellectuals who sit and listen to lecturers on the lecture bench, but they must also be able to enrich knowledge even better, for that in terms of professionalism or society.
Because, the role of students as iron stock is as a candidate for national leaders who have a bright future, so that they will be able to replace existing generations. Thus, students are not only sufficient with specific knowledge, but also need to have other soft skills such as leadership, ability to position themselves, and high sensitivity.

4. Students as Moral Force
Students are students who are at the highest level of education, so they are required or even required to have good moral values. In addition, the intellectual level of a student will certainly be aligned at the level of morality in various aspects of his life.
As a student must have a basic reference in attitude and behavior. The basic references are behavior, words, how to dress, how to behave, and so forth related to polite morals. All these references must be owned by students in order to create good morals, not bad morals.
This is where students are required to be responsible for their intellectual power in moral strength in society.

5. Students as Guardian of Value
Students as Guardian of Value means students act as guardians of values ​​in society. Then what kind of values ​​should be maintained by a student?
Students are said to be academics if they are able to maintain the values ​​of society and can think scientifically. Students are required to uphold justice, honesty, integrity, mutual cooperation, empathy, and the qualities needed in other social lives.
In addition, a student is also required to be able to think with knowledge about the values ​​they maintain. In fact, in this case, students must also play a role as carriers, deliverers, and disseminators of knowledge and values ​​they have learned in college.
There is still one more value that meets the criteria as a value that must be maintained by students, these values ​​are the values ​​of scientific truth. Students must be able to search for various truths based on scientific character which are sourced from the sciences they have acquired and then must be applied and guarded in the community.
But it must be remembered, the student is still a human being created by God, so that all scientific thought must be subject to God's provisions.
Thus an explanation of the understanding of students complete with the characteristics, assignments and roles. Of course you now know what the obligations and rights of a student must be carried out. As the next generation of influential nations in the future, reach the knowledge as deep as possible so that lectures are not in vain.