Definition of Observation by Experts and Their Benefits

Definition of Observation by Experts and Their Benefits
Conducting an observation is very important to do, so someone who does the activity can know and get knowledge from a phenomenon, based on ideas and knowledge that are already known beforehand. Well, of course to get the various kinds of information needed, then the next step is to conduct a study. Read more in this article to understand the notion of observation.
The notion of observation is not only limited to that, even the understanding of this observation consists of many opinions. Not a few experts who provide an explanation of the meaning of observation. However, before discussing some definitions of observation according to experts, here are the meanings of observation itself.
Observation or also called observation, is an activity carried out to find out a phenomenon based on knowledge, as well as ideas which aim to get an information. Well, this information is of course related to an event or phenomenon that is or is already happening in the surrounding environment.
Of course, for the process of searching for information this one must be objective, real and accountable. This is because it relates to the authenticity of the information obtained.

understanding of observation
Definition of Observation According to Experts
In addition to the general understanding of observation, there is also an understanding according to experts, the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) and an etymological understanding. It is important for you to know the meaning of the observation so that you can understand the meaning in a gambling manner.
1. According to the KBBI
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of observation itself is as follows:
Careful observation
Observe - supervise closely; observe.

2. Etymologically
Meanwhile, the understanding of etymological observation comes from Latin which means "to see and pay attention".

3. According to Nawawi and Martini
Understanding the observations of Nawawi and Martini itself is an observation and recording carried out in sequence and consists of various elements that appear in a phenomenon contained in the object of research. The results of these observations will then be reported using a systematic arrangement in accordance with applicable rules.

4. Professor Heru
Professor Heru explained that an observation is an observation that shows a learning or study which is carried out intentionally, sequentially, directedly and in accordance with the objectives to be achieved in the observations made.
Observation results are all kinds of events and phenomena that have been recorded. The results of these observations must be precise, thorough, detailed, accurate, objective and useful with the observations made.

5. Hanna Djumhana
Hanna Djumhana explained that observation is a scientific method which is still used as the first step in empirical science and is still recognized by the world of scientific research (on Paper Unibrah) which is used as a scientific method for collecting data.

6. According to Sutrisno Hadi
Understanding this observation is a process that is very complex and consists of various processes both psychological processes and biological processes which are carried out with more importance to the process of memory and observation.

7. According to Patton
Meanwhile, according to Patton the notion of observation itself is an accurate and specific method used to collect data and has the purpose of finding various kinds of information about all activities or activities that are underway to be used as objects of study in research.

8. Sudjana
Lots of definitions of observation are explained by experts, including Sudjana. He explained that observation is an assessment method used in order to be able to measure a process and action between individuals in an observed event.

9. Suhasimi Arikunto
According to him, the notion of observation itself is an observation made directly about an object in the environment, both ongoing and ongoing which includes various kinds of attention activities from an object study by utilizing sensing.
The action of this observation is done intentionally or consciously and in accordance with the order they have.

10. Arifin (2011)
Observation is a process of observation and recording that is carried out logically, objectively, systematically and rationally about various kinds of phenomena, both those that exist in real or actual situations and in artificial situations that are intended to be able to achieve a certain goal.

11. Bahrowi (2012)
Understanding the observation according to him is a technique used in a way to conduct observations carefully and the recording of the observations is done in a systematic way.

12. Nurkancana (1986)
Observation is a method used to conduct an assessment using direct and systematic observation. Various kinds of data obtained from these observations are recorded in the observation notes. The recording activity is part of the observation activities that are being carried out.

13. Sevilla (1993)
Sevilla interprets this observation in a simple term which is interpreted in a process where the observer or researcher looks at the situation of the research. This one method is very suitable for use in a study that includes observing a condition or interaction of teaching and learning, interaction between groups and children's play behavior.

14. Burhan
Burhan explained that the notion of observation is an ability possessed by someone in carrying out an observation activity through the work of one of the five senses namely the eye and assisted by several other five senses.

15. According to Kartono
Kartono said that observation is a study process that is done on something and is done consciously and systematically. Which discusses the phenomena or social and psychological events through observation and recording.

16. Karl Welck
Karl Welck explained the meaning of observation itself, where observation is an activity of recording, selecting, compiling, marking and replacing a series of observed behavioral processes and the atmosphere which has a relationship with a particular organization.

17. Sugiyono
In the narrow sense of observation is a research process that aims to observe the situation and conditions of the material observed. This observation technique is very suitable to be used to conduct a study of the learning process, behavior, attitudes and so on.

Observation Data Collection Techniques
observation data collection
The observation data collection can be divided into two types, the first is participation observation and the second is non-participation observation. The following is a further understanding of both:
1. Observation of Participation
The first technique of Participatory Observation is where the researcher participates in every daily activity, doing every activity carried out by the person in question. Feel directly the daily environment of people being researched, both the work and others related to the environment.

2. Non-participation participation
Furthermore, the non-participatory observation data collection technique is the opposite of the participatory observation data collection technique, which is where in this data collection technique the researcher is not involved in every activity of the object being studied. Researchers only as observers of the object being studied.

Please note Observation can be divided into two, viz
1. Structured observation
Structured observations Observations that have been designed systematically in the sense that researchers already know the structured retrieval of data, know clearly the variables to be observed.

2. Unstructured observations
Unstructured observations are observations that are not prepared in steps or that are not yet known by the observer. This usually happens when the research makers do not know what will be observed and the direction of data collection is unclear.

Benefits of Observation
Adding knowledge and insights that we did not know about the object we studied became aware of the object of research.
The results of observations that have been carried out can be confirmed by the results of the study.
The reader can have his own interpretation of the findings of the object of observation and how the results of observation are interpreted.
Observation activities can explain the process of an event taking place and can test its quality.
Estimate why something happens in real life.
Can note a symptom that sometimes does not clear progress.
Take note of situations that cannot be replicated in experiments.
The chronology of an event can be recorded coherently and clearly.
Equipment and technology can now record permanently.
The Observation Method can be combined with other methods for better results.
Example of Observation Activity
In chemistry we know heterogeneous mixture. It is said that heterogeneous mixtures can be separated again into their original substances. To prove this, you can make observations of heterogeneous mixtures. The first thing to do is collect data. Next you analyze the results of observations from the data that you collect. The last step is to make an observation report.
That is the definition of observation that you must know in general, etymology, KBBI or according to experts. Knowing the meaning of this observation itself is of course very important so that you better understand what is meant by the observation itself and what its true purpose is.
By knowing the meaning of the observation, it is hoped that you can understand clearly and be able to make an observation method carefully and correctly. May be useful.