Understanding Education, Kinds and Benefits

Understanding Education, Kinds and Benefits
Understanding education is the process of learning activities of each individual or group whose aim is to improve the quality of mindset, knowledge and develop the potential of each individual.
This educational process in daily life is better known as the learning process. Education is a process of learning from not knowing to knowing.
Education is not only aimed at developing science, but more than that the most important thing is education on moral issues or human etiquette. Because no matter how smart someone is, if you don't have manners or behave badly then it won't be useful for the lives of many people.
The first stage that is very important in education is parents. So it has become an obligation for parents to introduce education in various ways to their children from childhood to adulthood.
And the next stage of education can be found in formal, non-formal, and informal learning.
So that you get a full understanding, read on the understanding of education that we present below.

Definition of education
Parents who educate their children
Understanding Education According to Experts
If it has been discussed about the notion of education in general, pay attention to the definition of education according to the following experts so that you better understand what education or education is. Below is a review:
1. Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
Understanding education according to KBBI is the process of changing the attitudes and behavior of a person or group in an effort to mature themselves through teaching, training, process, and ways of educating.

2. According to Journal
Education is the learning, skills, knowledge, and habits of a group of people who are passed down from one generation to the next generation through the process of teaching, training, and research journal (on Bosse Journal).

3. Driyarkara
According to Driyakarya, education is an effort to provide customers with care and lift young people to be more human. Especially, in anticipating the development of an era that goes so fast. Important, so humans can still adjust as a role.

4. Ahmad D. Marimba
He believes the notion of education is conscious guidance by education in physical and spiritual development for good things. Aimed at shaping personality to become a higher quality human being. To be useful for the community, home and nation.

5. Notoadmojo
Education or also called education is all efforts planned to influence other people both individuals, groups, or the community so that they do what is expected by the education practitioners.

6. M.J.Langeveld
Education is an adult human effort to guide underage humans to maturity. According to him also education is an effort to help children to carry out their life's tasks, so that they can be independent, honesty, and responsible in a moral manner.

Educational Objectives
Education has several goals, including these:
Increase intelligence.
Changing human personality so that it has good character.
Being able to control themselves.
Improve skills.
Increased creativity in what is learned.
Educate humans to be better in the occupied field.
Kinds of Education
As explained above, education has three types or types, namely formal, non-formal education and informal education. The following explanation of various types of education:

1. Formal
This learning process is commonly held in schools and there are rules that apply and must be obeyed when they are following the learning process, then there are related parties who oversee the learning process at school. In Indonesia, formal education that can be taken by every individual is starting from elementary, junior high, and high school levels, to higher education.

2. Non-formal
Non-formal education is usually found in many neighborhoods, for example there are places to read and read the Koran in the mosque, then many courses in the environment such as car courses, music courses, and other courses.

3. Informal
While informal education is an educational pathway that is found in the family and the environment around the house. In informal education there is an independent learning process and is carried out on the basis of awareness and a sense of responsibility held.
The results of informal education have been recognized the same as formal and non-formal education and were initiated by the government include: children must be educated from birth to adulthood, early education starts from the family. The family is a very important educational stage, because many children now because the family is a mess so it greatly influences education in schools.

Definition of educational education
Children who are doing education by observation
Benefits of Education
Educating the life of the nation to build the country's civilization
Provides broad knowledge about what is learned.
Developing human personality becomes more dignified.
Developing the talent they have so that they have more potential.
Correcting someone's mistakes to be better.
Equipping humans to meet a bright future
"If you can't stand the exhaustion of learning, then you have to endure the pain of ignorance".

Imam Shafi'i
The words of Imam Shafi'i about education above should be contemplated, so that we do not regret in the future. Keep the spirit of educating yourself, family, friends and the environment. May be useful.

16 Effective Learning Ways To Boost Your Achievement
Every student certainly has an obligation to learn and how to learn on their own. The reason is not merely to get value, but to increase knowledge for the future.
But unfortunately, not everyone knows how to learn effectively so that more knowledge is gained and understood. More than that, many also assume that learning is the most unpleasant thing.
Actually, learning is not fun that depends on how you respond to these learning. Because if from the beginning you have considered learning difficult, then knowledge will be difficult to absorb. Different if learning is considered as an obligation and a need, of course in living it will be more fun and maximum.

effective learning tips
Definition of Effective Learning
Effective learning is the concept of regular, complete, continuous and productive learning that will produce intelligence, knowledge, skills, noble attitude formation.
Learning can be said to be effective if the results obtained are balanced with the effort that has been done. In effective learning there are elements of a plan, accuracy and learning methods used so that the objectives of effective learning are achieved.

Tips for Effective Learning
Well, for those of you who want to study well, make sure to refer to the following explanation about effective and fun learning. You can apply this learning method at home or at school.

1. Learn Wherever You Like
One thing you must consider before knowing how to learn effectively, which is choosing a place for learning that is fun.
In this case choose your favorite place to add to the learning mood, so that you feel comfortable when studying.
You can learn not only indoors, but also can be outdoors such as parks or gazebos so that the atmosphere is more relaxed and adds concentration.

2. Learning Is Need
Are you lazy to study? And consider learning boring? Now, from now on, position that learning is a necessity, because it will make you more serious.
In this case, you can imagine that tomorrow will run a test that determines whether or not to graduate school. That way, you will be encouraged to study harder every day so that the knowledge you have learned is more pervasive in your memory.

3. Learn Little by Little
You will feel more boredom in learning if too much material is learned. Therefore, learn little by little, with definite continuity.
For example every day taking an hour a day to study. Determine the time and be consistent to study at the specified time.
One thing you should avoid is the "overnight speeding system", because that will only make you tired, depressed and not just relax. This is because, when someone is pressed for time, concentration will be lost and knowledge will be difficult to absorb.

4. Share Learning Time
A lot of knowledge is certainly important. Well, for those of you who want to know how to learn effectively in a good home is to divide 2 time to study.

For example in the afternoon learning about mathematics, then in the evening learning about science. Yes, by dividing this structured time will make it easier for you to absorb knowledge.

5. Discuss
effective ways of learning with discussion
Well, for effective learning in good schools, one of them can be with discussions with friends. Because sometimes what you catch is different from your friend's understanding. In fact, sometimes there is material that is more controlled by your friends.
In addition, there are also often children who understand better when explained by friends than when explained by the teacher.

6. Look for Ways to Concentrate
Everyone must have their own learning style. Well, in this case you certainly have one way how to be able to concentrate, for example studying while playing music, studying in a quiet place, studying in a library, or even in a place of entertainment.
The importance of finding concentration to study is, so that you can absorb every material learned. With maximum concentration your learning will be faster and optimal.

7. Enough Sleep
Rest and adequate sleep is very important for the process of storing information in the brain.
"Students who have good regular sleep hours have a higher GPA of 0.14 points compared to students who always sleep less," said J. Roxanne Prichard, Director of Research at the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
So try to set a healthy sleep time, don't stay up late too often at night if it's not needed.

8. Understand, Don't Just Memorize
Why is this important? Whether it's effective learning at school or at home, make sure you don't just memorize the lessons, but also understand them.

Because with you understand it will automatically memorize. In contrast to just memorizing, usually younger people will forget.

9. Don't Be Shy Ask
This is the way to learn effectively in school, where usually many students are embarrassed to ask the teacher when explained even though he still feels confused. Well, if you really don't understand what you get, ask the teacher.
Because asking lots of questions does not indicate stupid, but indicates that you really listen to the explanation of a teacher. In addition, there is nothing wrong if you also ask a friend if you do not understand the material being taught.

10. Try Continue Even If Fail
Everyone must experience failure, but failure is not the end of everything. Make failure as learning, because success requires struggle.
In addition, failing you will certainly give enthusiasm to get up and repeat again. Actually, in terms of learning there is never a failure, because failure is a way to find success.
Thomas Alfa Edison experienced many failures and continued to repeat his research up to 1000 times, the end result he managed to find a light bulb.

11. Like the Subject
Are you one of those kids who hates math? From now on start the lesson.
Keep in mind, if you have judged or disliked the material, then it is impossible that material will be sucked into your brain.
How to love it is actually very easy, i.e. learn from easier material first, then to a more difficult level. Because usually a person doesn't like learning because it's hard to learn.

12. Take advantage of Existing Facilities
With the development of gadgets, in fact you can use it for positive things, your gadget can be used for educational facilities. For example, by learning through video, internet or other educational shows.
In addition, with this facility learning is usually more fun, because there is a media that you like. But even so, this facility is only a support, not the main material.

13. Making a Review
Effective learning with review
Now, for effective learning at home make a review of the lessons learned at school. This is very important, in addition to reviewing the lessons that have been reviewed, also to recall the lessons that have been obtained.
In addition to this, the summary can also be used later when conducting the exam. Because you don't need to open too many books to learn all the material.

14. Make a Conclusion
In addition to making a review, an effective way to learn at home is to make conclusions from the material you have learned. By reading conclusions over and over again, it will make you remember more of what you have learned.

15. Try Practice Questions
To test your insights, try to work on practice questions and trials.
It also aims to measure the extent of understanding of the material that has been obtained. That way you can find out what is lacking in your understanding, so you can correct your shortcomings by studying harder.

16. Pray
Business is important, but prayer is the most important thing. Why is that? Because the one who has knowledge is God. No matter how much effort you put into it, it certainly won't be done if it is not permitted by God.

Thus, make sure to pray before learning, as well as free time to ask for the smooth knowledge that you get from the Creator.
The notion of learning to be boring is just annoying for lazy people. Because if from the beginning you have liked learning, then learning will be more easily absorbed. If you don't believe, try the effective learning method above to get maximum results.

May be useful.